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Share your feedback on the proposals for Warneford Park

This survey is for completion after viewing the new proposals relating to the Warneford Park pre-planning application consultation. You can view these proposals either in person at one of our public consultation events, or online on this engagement website. 

The closing deadline for both online and paper responses is 30 September at 5pm.

Signposting throughout the existing hospital buildings
Comfort of the internal environment
External environment/grounds and gardens

Do you consider the vision for the redevelopment of Warneford Hospital to be:

* required

Please tell us which features you like about the draft proposals for Warneford Park:

 (Please select all that apply):


Is there anything that you don’t like or gives you concern about the draft proposals?

* required

About you

It’s helpful for us to know a little more about you and how you heard about this consultation so that we can better understand how people's opinions may differ.

Maximum 255 characters


By sharing your email address, we will send you a copy of the consultation report once it is published.

Maximum 100 characters



Your age:


I am mainly responding to this survey as a:

* required

How did you learn about the draft proposals for Warneford Park?

Thank you for sharing your feedback

Please follow this page to keep up-to-date with all engagement activity.