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Please confirm the date of the meeting
The Quality and Service Delivery Group (QSDG) meeting was worthwhile attending.
Please provide any comments.
QSDG is a SCW Governance meeting to seek and provide assurance on all areas of delivery, quality and performance of the services provided to our partners. Did this meeting meet its purpose?
This QSDG meeting covered
Are you assured that SLA management and negotiations are being managed well?
Are you assured that there are adequate arrangements in place to identify and effectively manage retention risks?
Are you assured that there are effective mechanisms in place to monitor and respond to changes in customer intentions, including service line developments and innovations aligned to retention, service reductions and in-housing?
Was the QSDG Chair effective? Ie the meeting ran to time, everyone had an opportunity to contribute, all agenda items were covered and the actions/ decisions were confirmed.
I had all the information I needed to effectively prepare for the QSDG meeting.
Do you have any other comments?