SCW Improvement

Here at SCW our aim is to support our staff with building their improvement capability to enable them to apply their learning and skills across our customer work and internally. We’ll be offering access to resources and learning in a variety of formats to suit different learning styles and requirements, from face-to-face facilitated support to self-directed virtual learning and online resources.

If you would like to contact us, share ideas or make suggestions for improvements, please contact

Here at SCW our aim is to support our staff with building their improvement capability to enable them to apply their learning and skills across our customer work and internally. We’ll be offering access to resources and learning in a variety of formats to suit different learning styles and requirements, from face-to-face facilitated support to self-directed virtual learning and online resources.

If you would like to contact us, share ideas or make suggestions for improvements, please contact

  • Take Survey
  • Thank you for registering for the Lunch and Learn: Improvement at SCW. We hope you can take a couple of minutes to answer these few questions.


    Complete Form
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We’ve put together this five-minute survey, open to everyone, to find out what you understand about service and quality improvement at SCW. So, whether you don’t know a thing or you’ve attended one of our Quality, Service Improvement Redesign (QSIR) programmes, please complete this survey so that we can build an offer to support you in this space.

    Please feel free to contact Charlie Howorth if you prefer to feedback directly

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We’ve put together this five-minute survey, open to everyone, to find out what you understand about service and quality improvement at SCW. So, whether you don’t know a thing or you’ve attended one of our Quality, Service Improvement Redesign (QSIR) programmes, please complete this survey so that we can build an offer to support you in this space.

    Please feel free to contact Charlie Howorth if you prefer to feedback directly

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This survey is to only be completed after attending the lunch and learn or watching the recording. 

    The lunch and learn presented the work from a group of staff across SCW, who have worked together on the development of a single approach to internal project management at SCW.  This is not the finished product, but a chance for a wider group of our staff to share their thoughts and reflect on the proposals.

    We are using this survey to gather some initial feedback. 

    Thank you

    Charlie Howorth and Becky Webb

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

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Page last updated: 17 Feb 2025, 08:17 AM