SWAG - Your Cancer, Your Care, Your Way
"Your Cancer, Your Care, Your Way"
- Are you involved in providing cancer care, treatment or support?
- Have you - or your loved ones - recently been diagnosed with and/or had treatment for cancer?
If you can answer "yes" to either of the above questions, we want to hear from you!
Somerset, Wiltshire, Avon and Gloucestershire (SWAG) Cancer Alliance have co-produced a personalised care and support (PCS) strategy, called "Your Cancer, Your Care, Your Way", and are starting to roll it out across the region.
Your Cancer, Your care, Your Way covers the entire cancer pathway, from screening onwards. It applies to everyone, whatever type of cancer they have, wherever in the SWAG region that they live.
To support SWAG turn "Your Cancer, Your Care, Your Way" into a reality, we want to know what matters to you about personalised care in cancer.
Your voice matters - and we want to hear it!
How can you get involved to help make turn this strategy into a reality?
- Please complete the short survey.
- Pease add your stories about personalised care in cancer.
- If you want to find out more - or get involved - please contact us by email at scwcsu.c-ltadmin@nhs.net
What is personalised care?
In essence personalised care is about asking a person what matters to them, instead of asking what is the matter with them.
It changes the conversation, so that patients and those close to them are more in control and can become equal partners with those that provide their care and support.
This approach has wide-ranging benefits for patients, those close to them, and the NHS.
Who are SWAG?
The Somerset, Wiltshire, Avon & Gloucestershire (SWAG) Cancer Alliance is an NHS organisation that brings together professionals and those with lived experience from across the region to improve cancer pathways, and reduce variation in peoples' experiences and outcomes.
Please tell us about examples of personalised care in cancer
We would like to hear your story of personalised care in cancer. Your voice matters and will add to the conversation on good and not so good personalised care in cancer.
We want to use these stories to learn from peoples experiences and help "Your Cancer, Your Care, Your Way" to become a normal part of cancer care.
This is a public forum so do not add personal identifiable information. Each post will be moderated before posting to ensure that they meet this standard. If you have a personal story that you would like to share please can you email us.
- There are no stories to display. Why don't you share one?