Consultation Listening Events

What to expect

These drop-in public consultation events will provide an opportunity to:

  • Explore informative displays and visual material which will provide background context and considerations for future development of Warneford Park
  • Meet members of the project team and engage in discussions with subject matter specialists
  • Share your thoughts, concerns and ideas for the future of Warneford Park

When and where

You are welcome to drop into any of the public consultation events between the following dates and times:

  • Thursday 12 September from 4-8pm
  • Friday 13 September from 1-6pm
  • Saturday 14 September from 9am-2pm

Location: The Day Centre, main entrance of the Warneford Hospital, OX3 7JX

If you are unable to attend in person, we would still like to hear your feedback so do take some time to respond to our online survey or email your feedback to

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