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Omnicell’s automated medicines management systems are helping Leeds Teaching Hospitals to manage controlled drugs safer and faster.

Leeds Teaching Hospitals is one of the biggest NHS trusts in the country. St James’ Hospital pharmacy department stock 2,500 controlled drugs and issue 2,000 controlled drug items every month. The hospital was looking for an automated system to help manage medication and controlled drugs.

The goals of implementation were to...

  • Reduce clinical staff time spent preparing and dispensing medication.
  • Allowing more time with patients.
  • Deliver a more secure and efficient system for managing controlled drugs.
  • Eliminate the written controlled drug registers.
  • Deliver a full audit trail for each medication dispensed.
  • Increase patient safety.

The introduction of Omnicell’s automated cabinets has resulted in a number of significant benefits which include:

  • Paperless process of controlled drugs from the pharmacy.
  • Halved the time taken dispensing and accurately checking controlled drugs.
  • Cost saving of £29k in staff time.
  • Average time taken to dispense and accuracy check one stock item reduced from 6.5 minutes to 3 minutes.
  • Efficiency of controlled drug management enabling compliance with the legislation, Misuse of Drugs Act and the Controlled Drugs Regulations 2013.

Deborah Armstrong, Pharmacy Patient Services Manager at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust commented, "We are extremely pleased with our Omnicell cabinets. The implementation went smoothly and we had great support from Omnicell. Our controlled drug dispensing process is now much more efficient - we have saved 3.5 hours a day which has released staff for more patient facing activities. The average time taken to dispense and accuracy check a CD stock request has reduced from 6.5 minutes to 3 minutes! The system also provides improved audit trail and security”.