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Gloucestershire Pulmonary Rehabilitation Programme: Patient Feedback 2025

Please would you spend 5 minutes providing feedback on your experience of the Pulmonary Rehabilitation programme you attended.  This will enable us to focus any required changes or improvements to services in the right areas.

Simply place a tick in the box which best applies to your experience. 

This feedback is anonymous. 

Select option

It was easy to get to the venue
It was easy to park at the venue (if applicable)
It was easy to get public transport to the venue (if applicable)
I was able to easily access the building
The toilets were easy to access
There was adequate space at the venue
I was able to leave my belongings somewhere safe
I was happy to complete my assessments at the venue
I was able to speak to the team privately at the venue (if applicable)
I was happy to exercise in the group
I was happy to have education sessions in a group
I felt that the team treated me with dignity and respect
I was given enough information before starting the programme about what to expect
I felt able to complete the exercises I was given
I felt confident to use the equipment
I felt that the exercise sessions were tailored to my needs
The information provided was good quality and made it clear how I can manage my condition
I now feel more able to self-manage my condition following the education I received