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From niche to necessity: genomics in routine care

Case-study submitted by Phillips Ives Review PMO on behalf of Tracie Miles RGN, PhD, Associate Director of Nursing and Midwifery, NHS South West Genomic Medicine Service Alliance.

The Genomics Education Program (GEP), in partnership with NHS England and NHS Improvement and the RCNi, have delivered a series of three introductory webinars exploring genomics, its growing use in healthcare and the opportunities it brings for nurses, midwives and health visitors. The webinars (which are being sourced from the GEP and will be shared with PIR team) are aimed at those with little to no existing knowledge of genomics. They feature contributions from a wide variety of professionals in practice, including introductions by chief nursing officer for England Ruth May, chief midwifery officer for England Professor Jacqueline Dunkley-Bent and Health Education England chief nurse Mark Radford.

Webinar 1: What is genomics? How will this change my clinical practice?

Webinar 2: How is genomics changing healthcare right now and in the future?

Webinar 3: Genomics: It’s my time to learn!

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