Midlands In Utero Transfer Review - Survey

Consultation has concluded

NHS South, Central and West is undertaking a review, on behalf of the Midlands Perinatal Team at NHS England to understand the current process in reviewing missed in-utero transfers of preterm pregnancy (for babies less than 27 weeks 28 weeks and or EFW <800g born outside a trust with a NICU) across the East and West Midlands region.

We would really appreciate 5 minutes of your time to feedback your insights on the current in-utero transfer review processes within your area in this short questionnaire.

The feedback will help shape a meaningful review with a set of recommendations which the regional team can take forward collectively to make improvements to the review process.

Deadline for responses is 5pm Tuesday 12 March 2024.

How we use your data:

  • By choosing to take part in this survey, you are consenting to the data and information that you provide.
  • All data collected as part of this survey is stored securely by NHS South, Central and West in line with GDPR requirements and regulations.
  • Further details of our privacy policy and arrangements can be found at https://jointheconversation.scwcsu.nhs.uk/privacy

Thank you for taking part!

NHS South, Central and West is undertaking a review, on behalf of the Midlands Perinatal Team at NHS England to understand the current process in reviewing missed in-utero transfers of preterm pregnancy (for babies less than 27 weeks 28 weeks and or EFW <800g born outside a trust with a NICU) across the East and West Midlands region.

We would really appreciate 5 minutes of your time to feedback your insights on the current in-utero transfer review processes within your area in this short questionnaire.

The feedback will help shape a meaningful review with a set of recommendations which the regional team can take forward collectively to make improvements to the review process.

Deadline for responses is 5pm Tuesday 12 March 2024.

How we use your data:

  • By choosing to take part in this survey, you are consenting to the data and information that you provide.
  • All data collected as part of this survey is stored securely by NHS South, Central and West in line with GDPR requirements and regulations.
  • Further details of our privacy policy and arrangements can be found at https://jointheconversation.scwcsu.nhs.uk/privacy

Thank you for taking part!