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Getting patient views on how GPs communicate with them - across BOB

What we offered the customer

  • Experience in survey design
  • Experience of qualitative thematic analysis
  • Experience of report writing
  • Knowledge of the BOB area
  • Hosting the survey on ‘Join the Conversation’ providing BOB ICS with a platform for engagement
  • Managing the relationships across the BOB communications and engagement teams helped to ensure that the survey was promoted widely
  • In Oxfordshire, local knowledge from SCW provided added benefit to promotion and circulation of the survey

What we heard – across BOB

The survey ran for 2 weeks and received 1125 responses. 707 of those were from people in Oxfordshire and 611 came through people responding via a direct link on social media.

  • The responses showed that majority of people that responded (976) had received text messages from their GP Practices.
  • 487 had used the online consultation service, however 350 of those were from Oxfordshire.
  • Only 67 people out of the 1125 that responded had used video consultation, which suggests that this service is not widely used across general practice.
  • For both online consultation and video consultation people preferred face to face appointments, whilst acknowledging that these services do save time, are convenient and are easy use.
  • Respondents were unclear as to whether using these tools improved the quality of their care or outcomes
  • People couldn’t comment on the functionality of the tools to support appointments for children.

Overall, people seemed to prefer the online consultation service for routine appointments, but where complex care or continuity of care is required people still preferred face to face appointments. Text messaging for reminders was perceived as a useful tool. With all three systems, there was recognition that these cannot be used in isolation and that there is still a requirement of face-to-face communication with general practice.

What are BOB doing now?

SCW have provided a full written report of the findings. This has now been shared with the BOB Procurement Team, and the three primary care leads across BOB. The report shows that there was a mixed understanding of what actually constitutes an online consultation solution by the public and BOB therefore recognises that further education and clearer definitions are required. The patient feedback will inform the next stages of their procurement process.

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