Continuity of Care Review for People with a Substance Misuse Treatment Need upon Release from Secure Settings

This questionnaire is based on Guidance for Improving Continuity of Care between Prison and the Community (2018) published by Public Health England (PHE)[1]. This guidance includes eight recommendations for commissioners and service providers who want to improve the transition from prison to community treatment providers.

This questionnaire also includes questions based on findings from the recent Community-based drug/alcohol treatment services review (2022) undertaken by the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID), and the self-assessment tool (2023) developed by OHID and HM Prison and Probation Service. The OHID review identified what actions local community treatment systems have taken that have made an improvement to performance.

This questionnaire is aimed at prison Substance Misuse Service Providers across England. It is recommended that the person completing this questionnaire has a good understanding of the operational enablers and challenges in delivering continuity of care for people with a substance misuse treatment need who are released from secure settings into the community.

How to complete the online questionnaire:
  1. Please submit one response per prison site only.
  2. Please do not include multiple prison sites per response.
  3. If you are answering for more than one site, you can use the same account (your email address) for each individual response.
  4. It is anticipated that the questionnaire should take no more than 120 minutes to complete.
  5. You can save your responses and come back to it later if needed. Only 'submit' once you are happy with your responses.
  6. A PDF copy of the questionnaire is available on the the right hand side of this page. This may be helpful if you wish to complete the questionnaire with input from other relevant colleagues. Please note final submission must be on this online platform.
  7. Please submit the completed questionnaire and attach supporting documentation by 19th January 2024.

We thank you in advance for your support and co-operation in completing this survey in a timely manner. If you have any questions about the questionnaire, please contact

[1] PHE ceased all operations and effectively closed in 2021; however PHE transferred its health improvement/healthcare public health functions to OHID and the guidance still stands.

This questionnaire is based on Guidance for Improving Continuity of Care between Prison and the Community (2018) published by Public Health England (PHE)[1]. This guidance includes eight recommendations for commissioners and service providers who want to improve the transition from prison to community treatment providers.

This questionnaire also includes questions based on findings from the recent Community-based drug/alcohol treatment services review (2022) undertaken by the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID), and the self-assessment tool (2023) developed by OHID and HM Prison and Probation Service. The OHID review identified what actions local community treatment systems have taken that have made an improvement to performance.

This questionnaire is aimed at prison Substance Misuse Service Providers across England. It is recommended that the person completing this questionnaire has a good understanding of the operational enablers and challenges in delivering continuity of care for people with a substance misuse treatment need who are released from secure settings into the community.

How to complete the online questionnaire:
  1. Please submit one response per prison site only.
  2. Please do not include multiple prison sites per response.
  3. If you are answering for more than one site, you can use the same account (your email address) for each individual response.
  4. It is anticipated that the questionnaire should take no more than 120 minutes to complete.
  5. You can save your responses and come back to it later if needed. Only 'submit' once you are happy with your responses.
  6. A PDF copy of the questionnaire is available on the the right hand side of this page. This may be helpful if you wish to complete the questionnaire with input from other relevant colleagues. Please note final submission must be on this online platform.
  7. Please submit the completed questionnaire and attach supporting documentation by 19th January 2024.

We thank you in advance for your support and co-operation in completing this survey in a timely manner. If you have any questions about the questionnaire, please contact

[1] PHE ceased all operations and effectively closed in 2021; however PHE transferred its health improvement/healthcare public health functions to OHID and the guidance still stands.

  • This questionnaire is divided into the following sections and sub-sections, and there is a section to upload supporting documentation at the end of the questionnaire.

    1. Site profile
    2. Referrals
      1. Standard referral form 
      2. Referral protocol 
      3. Single Point of Contact
      4. Sharing information securely
    3. Early engagement 
      1. Early engagement and in-reach
      2. Use of technology
    4. Communicating the community treatment offer 
    5. Partnership working
      1. General relationship/links with community treatment
      2. High level strategic partnerships
      3. Lived experience input
    6. Preparing for release 
      1. Supply of bridging scripts 
      2. Provision of naloxone
      3. Appointment details 
    7. Recording treatment data accurately 
    8. Supporting documentation
    Take Survey
Page last updated: 11 Dec 2023, 12:12 PM