Digital Professionals Consultation
Consultation has concluded
Welcome to the “Becoming the Profession” consultation.
The consultation is by The Federation for Informatics Professionals (FEDIP) in collaboration with NHS England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and supported by the Professional Bodies. We want to hear from as many people as possible who work full time or for part of their roles in health and social care Informatics.
This consultation is for you if:
We would like to hear from all those working in health and social care whose role includes any aspect of Informatics. That includes those who work in Medical records, Clinical Coding, information governance, project management, knowledge management, clinical roles as well as all of the Digital, Data, Information and Technology Experts working in health and social care.
The survey is now closed - thank you for taking part.
What we plan to do with your feedback:
We will use the responses from this consultation to:
- learn more about the current support available to you and what we can do together to improve access to training and development
- ensure that Continuing Professional Development is valued and supported
- and to develop the profession in a way that supports people in their day-to-day jobs.
We appreciate you taking the time, as part of the Informatics community, to further the development of the profession. If you have any queries about this consultation, please email link) (External link)
There is a small section in the survey that relates to workforce planning, if this is an area you are involved or interested in - more information is available on the workforce planning project homepage.